Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Things Are Happening- An Epiphany

Things are happening. The moment I decided to share something with a customer (I'm not talking about something personal... I mean something physical- I'm talking about my resume), things have been happening for me! This feels amazingly wonderful since discovering 5 years ago that I really didn't know what I wanted to do.

I had this whole idea my whole childhood that I wanted to do forensics. I had even picked out what specialty- forensic pathology, which is the person who determines the cause of death when someone dies  "suddenly, unexpectedly, or violently". They are responsible for determining the cause and manner of the death.

I really can't say where I got the idea that I wanted to be one from. I like to think it was because I would love to watch forensic shows with my grandmother in my early youth. Kind of grim now that I think of it, but whatever. I went through my childhood telling everyone that I already knew what I would be, and I would tell them exactly what it was. I didn't think I would ever have to worry about what I would do in life, because I already knew.

I was like this until I got to my first year of college. This was the beginning of my true love for music, my various forms of art, and my writing. This was when I awakened as a person, and when I began to feel like a real human being.

You see, something was missing in my life. Something that I didn't know existed. It was real human interactions. And by this I mean that I found people who would make a connection with me through learning. I could discuss my ideas without being called weird. People expanded on what I thought, they didn't dismiss it.

These feelings are wonderful to those who love philosophy, art, writing, people that are passionate about what they know and love. It was not something I had experienced before.

From that moment on, I wasn't sure about what I wanted anymore. I discovered more and more art and opened my eyes to many awesome new things. I discovered pot, fell in love, got the best dog in the world, and moved to New York City. I changed my major 4 time: Forensic Pathology, Education, Forensic Pathology, Marine Biology-Shark Research, and currently Writing- Editorial. It is writing that I have done all my life. It's not something that is brand new to me, it's something that I discovered long ago.

My parents kept this ugly old book that I had written when I was 6. I rediscovered it a year ago and read it. It wasn't terrible and crude: I started out well... but the ending was crazy. Terrible grammar, stories lead to nowhere. But it was really insightful for a 6 year old.

By finally accepting something that I've done my whole life as something that I actually do for my life has lead me to where I am now. 2 days ago I decided to try to spread word about my blog through other sites. Stumbleupon gave me 300 views in less than one hour- the amount I had before I posted my site to stumpleupon? 600. Amazing! In the last two days I have given my blog and resume to customers at work who showed a genuine interest.

One lead me to a woman whom I had the most amazing three hour conversation after I had gotten off of work. That in itself is another story for another time. But the human connection to someone I had just met was amazing! The revaluations you can have with a total stranger are always very profound. While talking to this wonderful woman, I was overheard by another lady who interrupted  us and told us very nicely that she couldn't help but overhear that I was a writer and about my ideas and she might have a job opportunity for me. I sent her an email with my blog and she responded she will read it and send me an email later about when I would be available next week.

I was so excited I felt like I couldn't contain myself! I talked faster, and my hands were shaking slightly. Not because I was afraid. Oh no. I was just so excited with life and where it was taking me!

Me! Doing something I've always loved, but never considered for a career.

Me- a writer.

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